” I don’t design clothes, I design dreams.” Ralph Lauren


Dear followers, first let me thank you for your feedback on my blog. I took some time to check out your blogs and I am really amazed by the richness and uniqueness of every blog. Here is a new article that does not directly address fashion, but refers to an important chapter of my life: How I decided to start following my dream of becoming a fashion designer. It is written with so much affection and gratitude. Enjoy !

“Have you ever wondered about all the choices we make in our life thanks to someone? Can you think of one choice you made under the influence of meeting someone in a particular time and place? Well, for me I can remember one very well.

Since my childhood, I used to feel an innate love for fabric and a passion for imagining dresses for every occasion.  I used to play with my mum’s scarves, with bath towels, and even with bed sheets. My enthusiasm has undergone several stages: from dress up games and following the runway trends, to sketching and more. Before that day,  I felt I  had no prospects in the fashion industry due to a lack of money to study in a renown school of design. Watching haute couture runways was for sure exciting, but terribly frustrating.  I knew nothing about sewing techniques, so I always ended up feeling hopeless, almost depressed. I thought I should rather dream about a more realistic job or path to follow.


Six years ago, I met someone, who at first annoyed me a lot with his self-confidence and smartness. Never have I experienced before, such ambivalent feelings of attraction, hate, defiance and curiosity, all at once. I really wanted to convince myself that he was nothing more than an arrogant designer and a talented pianist.  I kept repeating that to myself day and night only to hamper him from invading my life, my mind and mostly my heart. I kept saying so, until I started working with him as a stylist for real customers.

These are some of the sketches I made during that job. I never had a course on that. I learned on my own.

How was the job? Well, It was just like a fairy tale.  I was given the chance to sketch for 25 customers, to hear their stories and live their dreams. Because every woman is unique, we designed custom made dresses for every dream. Obviously,   we faced several challenges of all kinds, yet we proudly made it. Ralph Lauren says: “ I don’t design clothes, I design dreams”. He is definitely right. The spell starts with every woman’s dream and it is up to your creativity and perseverance to make it come to light.

Not only did meeting that designer initiate me into fashion design, but also made me believe that I was meant to be a designer and I ultimately should fight for that dream. Reaching a certain level of confidence is not something easily attainable. It is only later that I realized that you would not make a single person believe in you, unless you do so in the first place.

In short, the results are (un)fortunately the following: working with him triggered my senses and drew my attention to my unleashed potential in design. So, I ended up loving fashion design a bit more, but loving him much more. My journey in fashion design officially started afterwards.”                       

One of the designs I made thanks to the training. You can check my Instagram account to see more designs. Click here

 This story may not be of much importance to you as it is for me. However what I really want to tell you:

“You should believe in yourself to make others believe in you”.

While beginnings are bloody hard, faith, hope and work make the struggle exciting. No matter who you are and what you want to achieve, I truly hope this post would give you some positive vibes to carry on believing in yourselves. 

Thank you for stopping by 😉

Lots of love and encouragement

Yosra, fashionably yours  ❤

4 thoughts on “” I don’t design clothes, I design dreams.” Ralph Lauren

  1. There are plenty of people willing to knock you down on your way to a more creatively fulfilling life. This lovely article reminds me that sometimes, you have to be your own cheerleader. Once you can do that, then you will attain the ability to inspire others.😎🌷👍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for comment.well you are right 🙂 Last week, I was feeling down because in a start-up you will have very often people ignoring you or underestimating your potential just because you are not popular enough. So, I thought it would be good to remind myself and encourage others who might be facing the same hardships when chasing their dreams. 🙂


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